
このように認識することは、私たちに希望の光を与えてくれます。 「闇」を体験することで、人は「光」の不在を知り、「光」を呼び込むことができるものだからです。
私たちは今、「愛と調和の社会」実現の一端を担うべく、新しい事業を興し、志を共にする人たちと手を携えて歩みたいと願っています。 キーワードは「健康の創造」であります。
人間はすべてのものを与えられて、この世に生まれてくるのではないでしょうか? とするなら、自分の中に病気を治し、自立していく力をもっているはずです。
株式会社 Total health design
創業者 近藤 洋一
Total health design Co., Ltd was established on 19th April 1990. When we started up the company, we decided on our corporate vision, company’s DNA, which we should keep following in any periods and also set down the reason for the existence of us in society.
Entering the countdown of the 21st century, we are watching that a period is getting to meet a great turning point. A modern industrial society which had pursued material wasting has finally reached the end and it seems that we are now living in a period of transition to the upcoming Society of Love and Harmony.
In order to have the Renaissance come into being, we needed the dark medieval period which had suppressed humanity under the name of god. The forthcoming Society of Love and Harmony will be born through a modern industrial society which has developed by abandoning Providence and gnawing at the global ecosystem, our own body, as the birth canal.It throws us a ray of hope to understand our history in this way.
Through the DARK, we realize an absence of LIGHT. And then we can bring LIGHT into our life.
From now on, we will hold hands together and cooperate with people who share an ambition with us to lead ourselves to achieve the society of Love and Harmony. We launch a new enterprise. The key word is a CREATION OF TOTAL HEALTH.
It seems that when we, humans emerge into this world, we are already given everything. If this is true, we must have the inner power to heal ourselves and the power to stand on our own two feet. We wish to contribute to make a prosperous and beautiful society by offering genuine products and genuine information to people.
19 April, 1990
Total health design Co., Ltd
Yoichi Kondo
Later on, we have also decided a company policy, Energize Source Power in Life.
The source power indicates an original cosmic energy which has the will to grow upward vigorously and revives our lives no matter what happens and no matter how we get tired.
Essentially, the natural world include humans are full of source power. However, in recent years, the power gets weakened and various diseases spread in our society.
We hope to contribute to people’s creation of Beauty and Health through offering various information, knowledge and products so as to revive our source power which cure illnesses and make our life more energetic.
It is said that a sound mind in a sound body.
Let us create the Society of Love and Harmony as one.